Modern business is constantly under pressure, and websites prove the rule more than the exception. This pressure translates to high load on websites, especially those designed for cutting-edge commerce. High-load websites require secure, swift development as well as reliable maintenance.

Without security and reliability, well…disaster can strike.

One recent striking example of disaster striking is the 6-hour “maintenance-caused” shutdown of Facebook — which resulted in a loss of nearly $100 million in revenue and billions in stock valuation.

CEOs may be experts at directing their company,  but they’re not necessarily IT specialists. This lack of technical expertise can lead to vulnerable website infrastructures and a potentially compromised business. Modern website development and maintenance is a complex endeavour that requires a lot of time, attention, and expertise — which the majority of business leaders cannot reasonably be expected to have. Even Superman has to sleep.

In many cases, a CEO’s non-expert level of technical knowledge means IT costs are difficult to intuitively understand. Knowing just how to allocate resources to ensure website stability can be tricky, to put it lightly.

So, is there a way to get the C-suite executives, the IT department, the business’s requirements and the IT infrastructure all pulling in the same direction?

Yes! If the development tools and processes are up to date, they save transaction costs, reduce downtime, and make crucial things happen faster.
This is what DevOps is, that’s what it’s for, and that’s how it’s used. DevOps is as much of a philosophy as it is a practice. Like Zen Buddhism, it brings a sense of balance, serenity, and inner strength when it’s done right.

“Wait,” you ask, “are you talking about the people running the website or the website itself?”

“Yes,” we reply with a smile.

DevOps knobs and dials

With DevOps well tuned, you can dial in your settings just right.

It’s no secret: The DevOps approach is a proven way to scale the development of a business. The key benefits of DevOps for your business include:

  • Reliable infrastructure
  • Minimized feature implementation costs
  • Improved product quality due to fast releases
  • Flexible product development

So there’s DevOps in a nutshell. But how does it work?

Fortunately, it’s pretty simple.

Firstly: automation of repetitive tasks allows us to focus on business innovation based on user feedback.

Secondly: due to the cluster approach, which helps organize workflow around centralised points, DevОps provides significant potential for work environment stabilisation and process optimisation. You will never lose any test versions of your software and will always have the best one at hand.

Generally, when you implement DevOps within your IT department, you should use the following guidelines.

  1. Make sure you really need the new delivery model.
  2. Unite and motivate the Team.
  3. Agree on evaluating results. What does success look like?
  4. Start with a pilot.
  5. Ask your DevOps partner about the right tools to comply with your IT environment.
  6. Evaluate the results. Did you accomplish what you intended?
  7. Focus on your key metrics in measuring the process.
  8. Take end-user satisfaction as the Principal Success Criteria.

A website that’s never had a hiccup is as rare as hen’s teeth. Have you experienced website downtime yourself? Do you have a plan to handle it in the future?

We’ve got some good news for you before your blood pressure rises: You don’t have to have a plan. That’s where SmartDev comes in with a dedicated, highly skilled, and flexible team that minimises risk to your business with no undesired downtime.

That DevOps Zen thing? We’ve got it covered so we’ve got you covered. Everyone needs someone watching their back. We’d like to be that someone for you.

Want to see just how we can work together to make sure your website stays strong and healthy? Our door is open, as are our email inboxes. Our phones are on, too. If you think the DevOps approach could benefit you, reach out to us today.

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